If your Bible has the word homosexual in it, then it is a lie from Hell. The original Bible text does not include the word homosexual — neither in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. There is no word for homosexual in ancient Hebrew or Aramaic (Old Testament) and none of the many words for homosexual or lesbian or homosexual sex acts or...
God is Gay is a scriptural analysis that proves that the Bible does not teach against homosexuality. This clear and organized treatise will shut down homophobic arguments on the gay issue in churches and prove to our gay brothers and sisters that God has always included them in His plans. Get your copy of God is Gay now on Amazon. And join our list...
In the beginning, God made the world, and at some point afterward he made humankind. And since God made humankind, he made every kind of human. God made every race. And we are all made in his image. Therefore, it is accurate to say God is black since black men and women are made in his image. God made brown and white and every...
Hypocrisy is the most powerful tool for destroying people’s faith in God and in the Bible. Would you want to be a Christian if it means you could gay-bash in the name of Christianity? Christianity has been hijacked by people who do not represent Jesus accurately. We have all experienced it. The Christian ‘brand’ has been co-opted by many factions and individuals, including well-meaning...
The Bible totally qualifies every human being on this earth as a child of God. All means all. God’s blessings and love is for all who will accept it. Do you want proof? OK: Jesus was hanging on the cross and the dying man who was on the cross next to him asked Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. And...
The word ‘love’ has been kicked around and used as an excuse for wife beating, spanking children, and even murder. The Greeks have more than one word for love. Most of the New Testament was originally written in Greek. All of these Greek terms were translated into the single English word “love” in our American Bibles. But we have no problem knowing exactly what...
I believe everyone at one time or another has sat through a church service that was inspiring and wonderful and true and uplifting only to have the pastor then throw in some comment about homosexuality and how choosing the ‘gay lifestyle’ is against God and against His teaching. It can pretty much ruin your Sunday. And it is 100% a lie. First off, no...
There are several terms that are used in certain translations of the Bible that are improperly used today to claim that the Bible is referring to homosexuality – terms such as sexual immorality, sexual sin, sodomy, and unnatural. But none of these terms in the Bible are referring to gay people or gay sex. Some translations of the Bible use the vague term sexual...
When someone states that homosexuality is against God’s Laws, they are proving that they have missed the whole point of Christianity. There is no Law because of Jesus. Jesus died so that we are freed from the Law. If we could keep the Law, if we could be perfect to please God, then Jesus died for no reason. If we could be perfect and...
It is not too hard to find scriptural support for our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. There have been articles in the New York Times and Newsweek Magazine that have pointed out the scriptural support for an inclusive church. The pro-gay position is popular among most Christian writers in the major secular publications. But what is notable is that you don’t find this...